Drag History

What is Drag?

Drag is the art of a person, usually of a male, who uses their passion for makeup, and clothing to often exaggerate or impersonate a female illusion.

How long has drag been around?

Drag has been around since ancient times, we are talking the 1800s and earlier here people. Drag was entrenched deep into the western culture, specifically in the theater environment, because women were not permitted to perform on a stage. Due to this oppression of women’s rights, many men would have to play the role of the female characters. This can be very evident during the times of Shakespeare. Did you know that Juliet was played by a man?!

The Stonewall Riots

Some think this is where it all began with drag, however this is where our freedoms began as a LGBTQIA Community. The stonewall Riots in 1969 were lead by Trans and Drag Queen individuals. History remembers Marsha P Johnson (August 24, 1945 - July 6, 1992), as a gay liberation activist and a drag queen, who presumably threw the first brick, yet she said in an interview she was not present. Nearly 55 years later, we argue about the events of the evening, however one thing is for sure, the Stonewall Riots was about the LGBTQIA Community taking charge of the narratives in which society said about them. This fight still goes on today, as we fear actions by domestic hate groups that target our community on a daily basis.

RuPaul’s Drag Race

Lets talk about it… everyone loves this show (mostly), however it has taken away from Local Talent. Many of the girls on the show started as local girls in the community, who then go on to get stardom, which is great and we love that they have found success in their life. However we feel as though sometimes, this show can at times, downplay the important roles of queens who work locally, to benefit the community. Many queens in your local area, perform for free at non-profit events, to help raise money for things like HIV, Homelessness, Education Assistance, Food Insecurity, and much much more.

We have worked with some queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race, and they have been lovely. We are happy that this show came about and has made Drag a more modern streamlined and well known event. We give credit where credit is due for sure, but remember, the queens that are local, support our local community, so go out and support them too!

Drag Etiquettes

What do I call my favorite drag queen?

  • Use gender neutral terms - They/Them - Unless they tell you otherwise.

  • Just use their stage name! - This is always the safest bet.

Tipping and Interacting with The Queens

  • Drag Queens often times work for just tips. This can be some of their livelihoods, and many times they work for tips only at some events as they are donating their time and energy.

  • Don’t put your money in your mouth! For one money is filthy, and two, asking a queen to grab money out of your mouth with theirs is sexualizing them, and not appropriate. Now some queens will let you know if its okay, but please don’t assume all queens like and or appreciate that behavior.

  • Don’t interrupt their performances! Stopping a queen while they are performing is down right rude, not just to them, but to others who are there to watch the performance. Take photos as they perform, but please don’t stop them for a photo op while they are performing for everyone, do that at the end of the shows.

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